Friday, April 10, 2020

George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia Essay Example

George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia Essay The Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) is an independent United States Government bureau who are responsible for supplying national security intelligence to senior United States policymakers ( CIA. 2007 ) . Since the 1960’s and World War II. foreign intelligence has been of import to the United States since the yearss of President George Washington. that such attempts have been coordinated on a government-wide degree. The Central Intelligence Agency Act was passed in 1949. which supplemented the 1947 Act. allowing the Agency more powers. The bureau was permitted to utilize confidential financial and administrative processs and was exempted from many of the usual restrictions on outgos. Therefore. leting financess to now be accounted in budgets of other sections and so transferred to the Agency without limitations. while guaranting the secretiveness of the CIA’s budget. which is an of import consideration in covert operations. The Act created a Director of Central Intel ligence ( DCI ) as caput of the Intelligence Community. caput of the CIA. and chief intelligence advisor to the president. with the extra duty of safeguarding intelligence beginnings and methods. The 1947 Act besides. restricted the CIA’s internal security maps. The CIA carries out its duties which are capable to assorted directives and controls by the President and the National Security Commission. Established in 1953. Congress amended the National Security Act to supply for the assignment of the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence ( DDCI ) by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate. which the DDCI assists the manager and besides exercised the powers of the manager during the absence of the DCI ( CIA. 2007 ) . The CIA had suffered from so many inconsistent leadings. as direct consequence of the leading and surrender of George Tenet. there was a demand to do commissariats. therefore o better effectivity and efficiency. Under the new Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. the places of DCI and DDCI were abolished. and the occupation of Director of the Central Intelligence Agency ( D/CIA ) was established ( CIA. 2007 ) . Why was the CIA was reformed? We will write a custom essay sample on George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer President G. W. Bush and his disposal began military action against Iraq on March 19. 2003. and the government of Saddam Hussein fell on April 9. After several studies by the United Nations ( UN ) arms inspectors on their work under U. N. Security Council Resolution 1441 ( November 8. 2002 ) . the U. N. Security Council did non hold to authorise usage of force against Iraq. All inspectors were withdrawn. and the United States. and Britain launched a military offense against Iraq on March 19. 2003. SaddamHussein’s government vacated Baghdad onApril 9. In July 2003. with virtually no Weapons of Mass Destruction ( WMD ) was discovered in Iraq since the war. a argument in Congress and in the media intensified over the quality and presentation of pre-war intelligence on Iraq’s WMD and the justification for war ( Katzman. 2003 ) . How did the Iraq war came about? George Tenet was a public decision maker. an appointive officer of the executive subdivision of the federal authorities as Director of the Central Intelligence ( DCI ) for the President of the United States. Tenet was foremost appointed as a cabinet member for President Bill Clinton Administration. and was confirmed by the Senate as the Director of Central Intelligence. sworn in as the 18th DCI. so continued as DCI for George W. Bush disposal. which he served from 1997 until 2004. The demands for fulling the responsibilities of DCI appllied at all times. it did non count if the President you were functioning was Democratic or Republican. you were still expected to continue the same unity. and do an honest occupation accurately. efficaciously and efficently. As the Director of Central Intelligence ( DCI ) . Tenet had a moral responsibility and duty to the American people associating to the responsibilities of his several office with respects to the involvement of the populace and the general public assistance. The most of import duty that he had was to be true to himself so to the American people. to humanity of the universe. to the Constitution and democracy. to the jurisprudence. and to the Nation. The exepctations of Tenet was to be true at all times particularly as an cardinal intelligence officer. However. he told the utlimate prevarication that cost 1000s of American soildiers lives. wounded soldiers and cost the federal authorities one million millions of dollars by intensifying the Iraq War by torting the intelligence estimation. Tenet played a cardinal function in selling the Iraq war fiasco to the American people as to doing the Iraq war justifiable when he knew there were no grounds of chemical. biological or atomic Weapons of Mass Destruction. which would hold posed a menace to the United States. Tenet’s ends. waies. responsibilities and responsibilites with regard to the national intelligence attempt was to describe to the President in a timely mode and supply accurate information about the activities. capablenesss. programs. and purposes of foreign powers. organisations. and individuals and their agents. which is indispensable to the national security of the United States. He was suppose to utilize all sensible and lawful agencies. which must be used to guarant ee that the United States will have the best intelligence available in order to supply for the effectual behavior of United States intelligence activities ( CIA. 2007 ) . He fail to make so. Typically. those who work for the CIA holds a really sure and respected places because they are expected to be true at all times and uphold the codifications of moralss. To be appointed caput of an really of import. and pretigious place. to function as caput of the United States intelligence community was seen as a great award. When a individual keeping the place of DCI fails to state the truth it discredits them as being worthy to function in that place efficaciously. it fundamentally discredits he or she as a public decision maker bewraying the trust of the American people. Dogma did the right thing. which was to vacate as DCI because he could no longer be trusted as a authorities functionary. But he took a long clip to do the determination to make the right thing because he did non cognize which manner to turn. other than to play and travel along to acquire along with the Bush Administration. Tenet played a cardinal function in selling the Iraq war fiasco to the American people as to doing the Iraq war justifiable when he knew there were no grounds of chemical. biological or atomic Weapons of Mass Destruction. which would hold posed a menace to the United States. Tenet’s ends. waies. responsibilities and responsibilites with regard to the national intelligence attempt was to describe to the President in a timely mode and supply accurate information about the activities. capablenesss. programs. and purposes of foreign powers. organisations. and individuals and their agents. which is indispensable to the national security of the United States. He was suppose to utilize all sensible and lawful agencies. which must be used to guarantee that the United Tates will have the best intelligence available in order to supply for the effectual behavior of United States intelligence activities ( CIA. 2007 ) . He fail to make so. At assorted times. public decision makers will be face with quandary and will hold their ethical motives tested but are expected to follow organisational protocols. act consequently to the demands of an efficient and effectual organisation inspite of what their personal beliefs may imply. Tenet showed greater trueness to the President and to hispolitica interior circle which was more than his trueness to his agency’s analysis study and finally. his trueness to the truth and his duty to hold the truth heard ; instead they wanted to hear it or non ( White ) . By leting the intelligence estimation procedure to be politicize into doing the analyse suit the docket of the policy ends that the Bush disposal wanted. which was an analysis to do claim that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction ( WMD ) merely to meet the Iraq war. sabotaging the objectiveness and professionalism of the intelligence procedure and non accurately stand foring the work of the intelligence community. It is believed that no affair what Tenet might hold said. the determination to travel to war was already made to occupy Iraq particularly. after he 911terriorist onslaught on the World Trade Center. It was unsafe and unethical for the Bush disposal to coerce the intelligence community to falsify their professional opinion to back up the short -term policy ends. endangering their ain best beginning of intelligence and seting the United States long-run national security involvement at hazard. Tenet fail to provide accurate information to the President which causesd the Iraq war controversey. He reported in the intelligence estimation that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Calendar months before the United States onslaught on Iraq. US main arms inspector Hans Blix and more than 400 United Nations inspectors. every bit good as. the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) inspectors who conducted over 750 reviews at 550 sites. All inspectors failed to happen any grounds of any WMD or plans. there was no at hand menace from atomic devices. and no premises for a war alternatively they were told by the US to acquire out of state because war was about to begun before th e review could be throughly completed ( Katzman. 2003 ) . 3. The article compares to the instance analysis survey of The Blood on McNamara Hands and Conscience by Jay Shafritz. and the article of the Two Presidencies by Aaron Waldavsky. Robert McNamara and George Tenet both were similar in so many ways. they both neer ran for any political office. worked as an intelligence officer. molded American foreign policy. nor earned academic certificates by authoring scholarly publications. The chief comparing is that they both put self before the state. neer huffy any skip of guilt. and was non honorable about the failures they had made merely made alibis for their actions. They both did non hold a expansive. obliging scheme refering universe aff poses. nor did they seek one. was rawness with foreign and defence policies. was non suffiently and adequately prepared for a war. Both work forces played a major function in intensifying the war that should of neer been taken topographic point. portrayed themselves as a hapless. miserable politicize victims who knew the truth at the clip and wanted to state the truth. but. somehow. had no pick but to travel along. which weaken their credibleness by non stating the truth and standing up to the President with the truth as an effectual leader. They both had guiltless blood on their custodies. both had a bad wont of frequently stating people what they wanted to hear. but non what they needed to hear and cognize. deceived the Amer ican people. the President and office that they held. they both resigned after holding told such a atrocious prevarication that cost many soldiers lives. handicapped soldiers and guiltless civilian lives. They both seemed to hold jobs covering with the issues of the war which showed a mark of them havng a scruples because they did the incorrect thing but knew to make the right thing. They were hated work forces. and seen as prevaricators who got lost in their mission and ends of the bureau. They both felt the demand to compose books. movies and memoirs in some manner being excusatory and switching the incrimination on the President and others still non being able to acknowledge that they were wholly responsible for intensifying the war. as if talking out now would do a difference. Both work forces could of hold stopped the war from being created. alternatively they stood and ticker. but did nil in someway about like they wanted to be seen as an of import figure in America’s war history merely to be considered as war felons. Largely. they both were more concern about the political effects instead than talking truth to power and inquiring the difficult inquiries that needed to be replies. During the clip. when the state needed them the most to expose moral bravery. they fail. In add-on. Tenet proudly receives a decoration of award for lieing. and standing by mutely watching other’s prevarication about the Iraq war. In mention to the article. the Two Presidencies it related to George Tenet because the article negotiations about the President being concern about foreign and defence policies and domestic policies. whereas. the President is most concern about foreign and defence constabularies. The article besides indicates that most democrate President be given to concentrate more on peace and domestic policies while Republic President likes controversey. Here we see Tenet working in the democratic disposal efficaciously making his occupation and concentrating on ends of the bureau. and standing up to the President Clinton on of import decision-making. However. things seemed to alter for him in the Bush disposal as it relates to the Two Presidencies of how republican Presidents are more interested in foreign and defence policies. Harmonizing to Tenet. the Bush disposal had more of a traditional. and perhaps more appropriate. position sing the CIA’s engagement ( White ) . Unlike. President Clinton who did non look to hold much involvement in the CIA and Tenet was non required to describe to him daily. he preferred to read the day-to-day intelligence estimation on his ain. On the other manus. President Bush was fascinated by the CIA. and needed Tenet to personally describe to him each forenoon at 8 A. M. to brief the day-to-day intelligence estimation. As Tenet became more profoundly involved in supplying the day-to-day intelligence estimation to President Bush and go toing White House policy meetings. he no longer was able to concentrate on ends of reconstructing the CIA because there was non adequate clip in the twenty-four hours for him to give himself to being a spymaster. Alternatively. he was politically perplexing his function as DCI. passing his clip seeking to be a diplomat delighting the President and making something that was non at that place ; as if he had to play along to acquire along with the disposal. 4. Most significantly. Tenet leading accomplishments was weak as a public decision maker. A public decision maker demands to hold clear ends. responsibilities. waies. and responsibilites. Tenet weaken his credibleness as the Director of Central Intelligence and of the bureau by non telling the truth about Saddam Hussein holding Weapons of Mass Destructions. This showed that he was incompetent of bring forthing accurate intelligence analysis on complex planetary issues. Another failing that Tenet shown was that he did non believe that the CIA made constabularies they merely implemented them. It is of import for an decision maker to non be confused about the functions of his or her occupation. Public decision makers are the one’s who are behind the scenes. who are responsible for ordaining most of the policy alterations ; tasked with accomplishing bureau missions and supplying public service in the heat of such political environments. Understanding the political branchings facing elected functionaries in visible radiation of bureaucratic procedures and concluding recommendations is indispensable to carry throughing bureau undertakings and accomplishing success ( Clary. 2010 ) . Administrator who are higher up in the organisational construction. by and large understand the construct of political relations policy determination doing sing to the results of how certain determinations are made. Clearly. Tenet did non understand policy preparation. He thought that the occupation of the intelligence community was merely to garner intelligence. base on balls it along to those who were responsible for doing and make up ones minding policies ; make up ones minding what should be done on the footing of the intelligence estimation. which had been prepared and gathered for them and so transmitted to them. When in fact his bureau was apart of the decison-making procedure because doing foreign and defence policies was based upon the intelligence estimation. Apparently. he did non understand that the intelligence appraisal underlayed the administration’s determination to travel to war in Iraq nor considered how much his bureau contributed to doing policies on complex planetary issues. Tenet showed strength when he served in the Clinton disposal. At assorted times. he showed a explosion of fortitude to standing up to what he believed. as when he stood up to President Clinton and insisted that he non let go of convicted undercover agent Jonathan Pollard or he would vacate. But appeared weak when he told President Bush that he opposed a address to be given by Vice President Cheney that linked Iraq and al-Qaeda engagement in the 911attack on the World Trade Center. He did non object to the abuse of the intelligence analysis for political docket. nor did he hold the bravery to vacate when information was misused. Basically. he neer gave an sentiment nor opposed the Iraq war. As a civil retainer one is expect to give support to all. the re is no separation between partizan. policies and disposal in pattern of public service on all degrees of authorities ( Nigro. 2007 ) . Dogma was good known under the premise that he was bipartizan because he neer truly discourse what association that he belong to with friends nor at work. His assignment as DCI with the Bush disposal. took him out of his character by going excessively involved in political relations and the political inner circle. particularly as the DCI. he should hold remained neutral/ bipartisan. avoided direct engagement and struggle in foreign defence policy doing tobe able to efficaciously make his occupation alternatively he was acting as if he was a congressional staff member working at the pleasance of the President. As a public Administrator holding effectual leading accomplishments and schemes ie indispensable to the disposal. Tenet made himself look unqualified and artful when made the statment that the place of Director of Central Intelligence was excessively large for one individual. so in the terminal he merely proved that it excessively large for him. The lesson and deduction that the article provides that can be taken to today’s universe state of affairss is that we all have a consciencious and the moral duties to make what is r ight. One of the greatest lessson is to ever be true to yourself. ever tell the truth because a prevarication will fall and plume comes before a autumn. Once a individual is perceived to be a prevaricator. no 1 wants to hear anything that he or she have to state because their is distrust. One should ever take answerability for their actions and assume duties of their actions. Peoples want to fulfill and delight their foreman but does it intend that you have to halt believing in what you believe to be right or incorrect? Stand up for what you believe irrespective of who it possibly. Members of the calling service are bond to follow the leading of the President as caput of the executive subdivision of authorities and commanding officer in head of the armed forces ( Stillman. 2010 ) . Even though he may be the President of the United States. a individual still have stand for what is he or she knows to be right. regardless of who the individual possibly and non be a coward. Mentions Katzman. K. . ( 2003 ) . Irak: Weapons Programs. U. N. Requirements. and U. S. Policy. Congressional Research Service ? The Library of Congress. From hypertext transfer protocol: //fpc. province. gov/documents/organization/22888. pdf Clary. M. . ( 2009 ) . The Importance of Understanding the Politics of Public Administration. hypertext transfer protocol: //aspanational. wordpress. com/2009/09/04/the-importance-of-understanding-the-politics-of-public-administration. Cardinal Intelliegence Agency. ( 1981 ) . The Provisions of Executive Order 12333: United States Intelligence. Activities. Appear at 46 FR 59941. 3 CFR. Comp. . p. 200. From World Wide Web. Central Intelligence Agency. gov. Nigro. L. . Nigro. F. . and Kellough J. E. . ( 2007 ) . The New Republic

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